Sharpen Those Pencils: 5 Tips from Josh Levine to Make a Lasting Impression in the Industry

Josh Levine, Co-Founder of Rebel Creator Services is here to help you ace your next industry opportunity. With Labor Day around the corner and the school year kicking off, it’s the perfect moment to sharpen those pencils and get ready to impress. Check out Josh’s top five tips to stand out and make a memorable impact in the music industry.

Tips for Entertainment Industry Jobseekers

Josh Levine- Co-Founder, Rebel Creator Services

  1. "Don’t be nervous! Don’t focus on getting the job — that’s out of your control. Focus instead on what you can learn through the experience — about the company, the industry, the position, the person you’re talking to. Curiosity cures nervousness."

2. "Don’t think “if they don’t like me for this role they might have another one down the road.” The person needs to fill this role now. Present yourself as a solution to their problem, or they most likely won’t want to talk to you."

3. "Find a way to stand out. Find a mutual connection and get them to put in a word. No connection? Drop the person a note on LinkedIn anyway and express your genuine interest and a (short) reason why they should talk to you. In this industry, personal relationships go a LONG way."

4. "Don’t lead with your passion for music, or your love for a particular artist, label, or genre. Employers aren’t looking to hire fans. They want people who are going to work hard, solve problems, and bring everything they’ve got to the job."

5. "Don’t say you’re willing to do anything to get your foot in the door. Even if you’re starting out and not sure where your career will take you, you have to paint the picture that you really want to do the job they need done, and have a compelling reason why."